Everyday is a new day, every month is a new month, every season is a new season... so what makes a new year so special? I guess what I'm trying to say is why should we limit ourselves to self-reformation only once a year? So many people jump on the bandwagon of New Year's Resolutions every year but fall off within the first month or so. Yes, it helps that during New Years everyone is free, there is a lot of time that can be dedicated to self-reflection, but at the same time what kind of living is living without self-reflection? So what are we doing the rest of the year? Just getting by? Just surviving?
A good friend of mine loves a particular Jonathan Swift quote: "May you live every day of your life." I've found that that quote has become a memorial and a stronghold on which I can continually draw motivation from.
How can we be ok with just getting by? It's just a depressing way to live! Sometimes you can't help it in cases like depression and bouts of self-pity, sometimes its easier just to give into it than struggle against it; but in those times it's important to not give up on hope, to not give into it permanently!
Everyday is a new day. Make tomorrow better than today; a whole year is such a big burden and such a large task. Just like with other goals and ambitions, the difficulty downsizes with the downsizing of a goal. So break it down into smaller chunks, do it month by month, week by week, or even day by day. Make it manageable and it will be manageable!
So happy New Day's Eve!
- JerBear